Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Chhupa Rustom: Jagjit Singh Isher

I stumbled upon three videos of Jagjit Singh Isher on youtube the other day to discover this Chhupa Rustom. Unfortunately, I don't know much about him. My request for his details has not yet elicited a response. However, for the benefit of harmonica lovers, I am presenting here these videos.


apoorvabhatt said...

Jagjitji is not chhupa rustom but is a matured strategist who made his debut on screen on time. That he has done lot of home work is evident from his error free play. And that is what is required by all the players.By the way now I smell a rat of he being a good guitarist too !He maintains a guitar in his music room. At some juncture he wmay unravel this mystery too.Till such time let us enjoy his classic presentation.

madan kumar said...

Very good performance....
with musicaly Rgards....

madan kumar said...

Very good performance...mastery on

with musicaly regards


madan kumar said...

Very good performance ...
with musicaly regards ...
Madan Kumar...

Sandeep said...

Jagjitji kya kehne,

I knew Jagjitji a gazal maestro
now I also know Jagjitji-a harmonica player